List Serve Information

The FGFOA has established five new List Serve’s to allow the membership to communicate on important issues.

What are List Serves? List Serves are email based communication where you become a member. As a member, you can ask the other members of the List Serve a question by sending an e-mail to that List Serve email address. Members of the List Serve can choose to get the emails as they are sent or get them all at once at some scheduled time. You will receive all emails sent to that List Serve address. You can unsubscribe at any time.There are five List Serves. You can sign up for one or all of them, depending on your interest.

Please CLICK HERE to view a document showing how to use the List Serve.

You can also visit the website directly at: and register.
Go to Online List Archives and sign up for a new password. You can then manage your List Serve account, unsubscribe and view archive postings.

List Serve Category Guidelines

(topics are sample only – other topics may be posted)
All submissions will be reviewed prior to being posted

Accounting and Auditing
Accounting methods
CAFR Preparation
Capital Assets
Financial Reporting
Fund balance
Internal Controls
State of Florida Policies and Regulations

Debt and Treasury Management
Bond Insurance
Bond Issuance
Bond Proceeds
Bond Sale
Capital Financing
Cash Flow Forecasting
Cash Management
Credit Assistance
Debt Structuring and Financing methods
FDIC Insurance
Financial Advisors
Investment Advisors
Lines of Credit
Rating Agencies
Secondary Market disclosure

Budget Preparation
Budget Types
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Policies – Best Practices
GFOA Budget Award
Long Range Planning
Performance Measurements
Revenue Analysis
Revenue Forecasting
Financial Administration
Contract maintenance

Deferred Compensation Plans
Disaster Recovery
Grants Administration
Health Care Plans
Information Systems – Software
Management Principals
Retirement Plans and Deferred Compensation Plans
Risk Management

Personnel and Payroll
Deferred Compensation Plans
Fringe Benefits – Taxable and nontaxable
Health Care Plans
Other Post Employment Benefits
Retirement Plans
Sick and Vacation Time
W-2 Reporting
Wage and Hour Law


  • You must be a member of the FGFOA to sign up for the List Serve (membership will be verified before acceptance).
  • The postings will be reviewed and approved prior to submission. This is to ensure the integrity of the List Serve.
  • The Technical Resources Committee and the FGFOA Board of Directors will be participating in the List Serve to make sure that questions are responded to.

List Serve Etiquette
FGFOA List Serve Information
List Serve Policies
List Serve Tips

If you have any questions about the List Serve, please contact Jeff Blomeley at (850) 701-3614.