The 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner was

ricky helmsRicky Helms

We are no longer accepting applications for the
2024 Lifetime Achievement Award. 

Information about the Award:

PURPOSE:  This award, sponsored by the Florida Government Finance Officers Association, will recognize and honor a finance officer who has made a lasting and worthwhile contribution to the citizens of Florida through their efforts and dedication in the performance of their duties on a local level, and who has served the FGFOA in its efforts to enhance the profession. This award will be given annually, if a nomination is deemed qualified by the committee described below.

METHOD OF SELECTION:  Each year, a recommendation for the Lifetime Achievement Award may be made from the nominations by a selection committee of five, appointed by the President of the FGFOA. The selection committee will consist of an officer, a current board member, and two past presidents of the FGFOA, and one FGFOA member at large.  This selection committee may make no more than one recommendation to the Board annually, but will do so only when the committee concludes that the nomination meets the criteria established. The FGFOA Board of Directors will vote to ratify the nomination. The selection will be announced at the Annual Conference, and appropriate honors will be bestowed. The process will then be repeated each succeeding year.

NOMINATION PROCEDURE:  Nominations may be received from FGFOA members, local FGFOA chapters, or by the government served by the nominee. No individual or group will submit more than one nomination. Nomination forms and the deadline for nominations will be sent to the membership by E-Bulletin and posted on the website. Nominations will be submitted to the FGFOA Executive Director prior to the Annual Conference.  From the nominations received the selection committee may recommend one candidate annually but will do so only when the committee concludes that the nomination meets the criteria established. The recommendation for the Lifetime Achievement award does not require the full Board’s approval. The Officer on the Lifetime Achievement Award committee has the right to approve the committee’s recommendation for the award. The selection will be announced at the Annual Conference, and appropriate honors will be bestowed. The process will then be repeated each succeeding year.

CRITERIA: The Board of Directors has approved the criteria to be used as a guide for evaluating the nominees. The nominee must:

1. Have been an active member of the FGFOA for 10 years and served at least 20 years in local  governments or state agencies.
2. Have served the FGFOA as an officer, director, committee chairman, state director, or local chapter  president.
3. Have made a significant and specific contribution to the growth or enhancement of the profession.

Nominations must include three letters of support from other general groups not affiliated with the nominee’s current local government or state agency.


1. A specifically designed award suitably inscribed.
2. A distinctive lapel pin or medallion, which may be worn at all gatherings of finance officials.
3. An announcement to the FGFOA membership by email.
4. A press release distributed to the local press in the recipient’s hometown.
5. Annual listing of all Lifetime Achievement Award winners published in the annual membership directory and Annual Conference program.

For more information, contact Jill Walker at (850) 701-3688.

Past Award Winners